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$300 US/mo

$300 US/mo

$500 US/mo

✓  Buy & Sell Signal

✓  High Analysis Coverage

✓  Allocation Rotation Strategy

✓  Real-Time Mobile Trade Alerts


✓  Access Live Crypto Portfolio


+ get access to BotTrigger's proprietary buy & sell indicator

+ requires a free account for you to layer the BotTrigger Buy & Sell Signal script onto your charting platform

Saves $100/m

✓  Buy & Sell Signal

✓  High Analysis Coverage

✓  Daily Momentum Stock List

✓  Real-Time Mobile Trade Alerts

✓  Swing & Position Trading

✓  Stock & Option Setups

✓  Access to the official BotTrigger Portfolio


Ready to catch strong momentum stocks & exit before they top?

BotTrigger's Mobile Trade Alerts Straight to Your Phone.  Tracking Only The Movers

$300/m  |  No Contract

30 day performance guarantee

Swing & Long-Term Position Trading is our Core Trading Style

Designed largely for traders/investors & working professionals with access to a computer or smart phone looking for profitable day, swing, & position trading opportunities.

You may have felt like catching stocks that can 2x or 3x is near impossible, but just like this recent example shown, it is something that can be mastered.

Strongest winner in a 90 day period

ACIA was one of our best performing buy alerts. In just 2 rountrip trades, we were able to close with a 184.5% return, by far our strongest winner of 2016

184.5% gain in 3 months

Trade Peacefully

 ✔ Ride Strong Rallies

 ✔ Exit Broken Trends

 ✔ Maximize Win rate

Buy alert

Here at BotTrigger we’re constantly scanning the market for great opportunities to buy low-risk stocks that we can resell for a nice profit. And every time we buy a stock, you’ll receive a BUY ALERT via both email and text message. This way, you’ll never miss out on an opportunity to acquire a potentially profitable stock you can hold for a couple of days, weeks, or be part of a larger trend.  Don't get stuck thinking that the big gains come from small holding patterns. NVDA didn't go from $60 to $200 in a few happened in 8 months! Just remember that.

Sell alert

Every smart trader knows that making big money in the stock market is all about timing. And with today’s high-speed electronic trading, choosing the right time to buy, how long to hold a stock, and when to sell it will be crucial to your success as a trader. And that’s why BotTrigger will not only send you an alert when we’ve bought a specific stock, we’ll also send you a SELL ALERT via email and text message when we sell. This way you can learn from BotTrigger's profitable strategies in real-time! We don't want you to just copy BotTrigger's trades, though many do, we want to teach you how to make your own amazing trades as well!

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